How to Evaluate a Drastic Drop in Organic Traffic to Your MSP Site

If your MSP website experiences a significant drop in organic search traffic do not panic. Analyze the data to identify the pages and/or search queries that contributed most to the decline to investigate the cause.

Identifying the Drop

Evaluating a drastic drop begins with getting access to good search traffic data.

Your MSP site’s best organic search traffic data source is Google Search Console (GSC). A free tool by Google that you can connect to a site.

The GSC report of clicks over time can be used to observe any dramatic drops in organic traffic.

Google search console performance report

The significant decline in traffic shown in the graph above illustrates the type of drop I’m referring to.

Ultimate MSP Advantage: Complimentary Personalized SEO Plan to Conquer Google Searches in Your City

Setup to Evaluate the Reason for the Drop

To evaluate the reason for the drop, setup this report using the date compare filter to compare data for the same time period before and after the drop.

Google search console performance report

Export this data into Google Sheets and analyze.

Evaluating the Reason for the Drop

The data in Google Sheet will give you a side-by-side comparison of the data before and after the drop on a page-by-page basis and on a query-by-query basis.

Google sheet report

You can add additional columns to calculate the difference in clicks and impressions for each page and query. Then, sort the pages and queries to identify those that lost the most clicks and impressions.

Armed with this information, you can delve deeper into the data to pinpoint the specific factors that likely contributed to the decline in performance.

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